Tuesday, May 8, 2007

More fun than strange

We just saw Stranger Than Fiction - I know it's been out for awhile so you've probably all seen it already. We really enjoyed it. Good acting, plot, cinematography, pacing, etc. And the concept and twists were so novel that it really kept you involved in the story. Sometimes I wonder how people come up with their crazy ideas for entertainment, but hey, it worked! If you haven't seen it, we give it two thumbs up!

Monday, May 7, 2007

More baby pics

Yeah, it's me again. Just another picture from the high-res ultrasound that Liz and I went to in the 14th week. It was a pretty neat experience all in all. We got to see the baby much clearer then before and she (that is the doctor's 70% guess, at 20 weeks we should be much more sure so we're not picking up any clothes before then ;-)) was really kicking around inside there. She would be chilling at the bottom and then every 60 seconds or so she would kick really hard and launch up to the top and then float down slowly back to the bottom. Apparently Liz and I are raising an X-Games gal. They don't show up very well on the scan, but you can see some neat stuff like cartilage forming in the nose and little knee and elbow joints. Also, this ultrasound was partially to check for possible issues and by all accounts our baby appears to be developing just fine.


Friday, May 4, 2007

More geek movies

So I knew that The Golden Compass was coming to theaters. But I had no clue that Stardust was in the works as well! It looks to be a big budget production with plenty of recognizable actors (Claire Danes, Robert De Niro, Rupert Everett, Michelle Pfeiffer) so I'm hyped. Personally this would be the best Neil Gaiman novel to adapt to the big screen and I hope that it goes over well.

I suppose we have Peter Jackson and Tolkien to thank for the fact that so many geek movies and TV shows are in vogue right now. I'm loving it!


Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Alert Tom Cruise, Jeff Goldblum and Sigourney Weaver!
