Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today I finally turned 1,000

Okay, so it was 2 days ago, sue me!

My website climbed over the 1,000 page views this week primarily due to my Rackham content. It's been up for a little under six months, and while I'd love a more interactive format (without the content requirements of a blog or being bludgeoned by web-quizzes at a social networking site) it's been great to have somewhere to point friends of various ilks to get more info about my hobbies. As content (slowly) grows, I'm realizing more traffic - which is good as some of this is merely about a conservation effort for an out of print game edition. Unique visits is just a little under 500 according to Google analytics and hopefully doubling that by years end will be attainable.

In other news, I think I've finally broken the terrifying grasp that Alanys Morrisette (sp?) had on my conception of IRONY this morning. Here's where I work. Take a look.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

See you in a week!

Yeah, we are about to see you, but here are some pictures of the fam. Most of them taken out for a walk on father's day.

Molly 6.22.08

Also, a video to show how Molly is getting about these days.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Stuff Ian wants to do at home

In no particular order:
  • Swim
  • Play guitar with Jon (if I can track a guitar down somehow)
  • Dip Molly's toes in the lake
  • Whiffle Ball Golf in the yard
  • Wakeboard
  • Get a night out with Liz
  • Stay up late
  • Sleep in
  • Watch Molly inchworm along and find new stuff to cram into her mouth
  • Cream my folks at Raquetball / Tennis
  • Read (not sure what, almost done with Heart Of Darkness and need a new book)
  • Eat 75% of meals outside
  • Have a thunderstorm (note that this might not be possible :-))
  • House Party
  • Get Bop and Gram a chance to see Molly

I'm sure there are more, but that is my list for now. Getting excited about getting home :-). I need a vacation.


Friday, June 13, 2008

25 weeks and counting...

Here's yesterday's photo - 25 weeks! She only kicks me on the right side, so I think she's not doing cartwheels in there...just exercising her kick boxing skillz!

Also, movies to avoid - we just rented The Golden Compass, and it was terrible. We were hoping it would at least offer a fun memory of the book, but it really didn't. The story had no life to it, and the movie just plodded along, adding events and plot points like it had to, but not as if they actually meant anything. The acting wasn't bad, but the movie itself seemed to have no idea it was actually supposed to be telling a story.

Too bad!

We've also been eating lots of strawberry rhubarb pie, from lots of different places. I love strawberry rhubarb pie, so I'm pretty satisfied with June at this point!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Karen's Birthday

These pictures were taken in Bop & Gram's backyard Saturday evening. Karen's bottle had not yet been opened, in case you were worried about her!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jon's going to make an awesome dad

Hey so I just finished laying Molly down for a nap. She's gotten increasingly difficult about the diaper change (doesn't understand why she's not allowed to roll around in her poop, crazy kid). :-P Anyways to keep her distracted I usually sing to her & today I was singing about how it was nap time & we had to change her diaper so she didn't get butt rash & we sang goodbye to the wet diaper & hello to the dry diaper. Anyways as I'm singing to my kid & realizing how incredibly untalented I am at the whole song writing thing I thought about you Jon. You are going to have so much fun making up silly songs for your kid. I hope that you record some of your parenting songs. Can't wait to hear them. :)

~ Liz