Wednesday, May 20, 2009

more garden pics, a funny vid

Here's some more pics of the garden. The veggies are all planted, the side bed is mostly coming up roses, as it were (which is not literally), and we're finally done with the north side bed (see all the landscape timbers we put in!). We just need to finish mulching.
The only tree we don't have a photo of yet is the magnolia in the front.
And, a few 8-month photos of Evangeline.

Here's a funny video, where Evangeline shows what she really thinks of all our friends. Oh yeah, and gets laughed at.

Hiking season is here

Hey all. Nice weather is finally arriving here in Seattle so when we are not throwing up (Liz) or working weekend hours (Ian) we're doing our best to get out and enjoy it. Note that the few nicer pics were taken with Tim's fancy pants new camera. 's lots of fun with the nice weather here but we're really looking forward to being home in about a month.


Friday, May 15, 2009

babies and gardens

Here's some photos and a few videos from the last monthish.

gardens, babies in gardens

Going in Reverse

The Crazy Packers Dance

Scary Giggles

Cow PJs

Monday, May 4, 2009

David's full-court press on Goliath

I've like reading Malcolm Gladwell even when he's not writing about sports, so it's a godsend when he does (same thing with Chuck Klosterman). Here's a really good article that I just read about underdogs breaking out of convention to beat more talented opponents...'s a really good read even for the non-sports fan.