Monday, March 30, 2009

New Calvinism

Mars Hill got mentioned in Time magazine under the heading of "New Calvinism" in an article on 10 Ideas That Are Changing the World Right Now. Kinda neat to see, although for me even though I see that most of our leadership are big Calvinists it isn't really a focal point like the article would seem to see. Plenty of Armenians go to Mars Hill and feel right at home.,28804,1884779_1884782_1884760,00.html

A quick note on the article from our pastor.

Molly meets a goat (and other stories from the zoo)

Here are some new pics from the zoo!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Evangeline learns about good food...

and the perils of nutritionalism!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

trying to repost

We'll see if the pictures work this time. I didn't notice anything was wrong b/c blogger and picasa were still working fine on my computer. But Ian was right about the weird html tags. Try this link...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Time-telling fish

According to Dr. Suess's time-telling fish, it's quarter-to-five, but according to Laura & Jon's time-telling baby, it's about 3:20.

Odds & Sods (Who?)

1. willow branches reflected in the lake - reminds me of Gwen Frostic stationery, and makes me wonder if Photoshop has put an end to block printing.
2. me after an icy swim a few weeks ago - I had to post this quick before all the ice melts.
3. ducks I photographed last evening on the edge of the melting ice pack (which may be retreating due to global warming . . . or spring).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

cute little things...

1. baby smiles
2. blowing raspberries
3. baguettes (made by Laura!)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Molly demos Up and Down

Make sure you have some sound on before watching this one.

Also, random photo dump.
New Pics

Monday, March 2, 2009

Evangeline eats!

Pictures from the last few weeks, and Evangeline's first foods. She ate rice cereal the last three mornings. She already took to it a lot more this morning than Saturday, which is when all the faces are from! We're going to have a little avocado tonight, too!
The 2000 glasses are one of the last projects I worked on at the Goodman - I made a zillion phone calls, drawings, emails, and contracted some plastics guy to make 30 of them for our turn of the century party scene. We added the sparkles and earpieces. The costume shop sent me a pair as a keepsake!

Evangeline eats!