Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Peter Five Months and New Chickies

** The embedded links are slideshows. To see all the pics, click on "view."  I'm trying photobucket now because they offer unlimited free storage! It looks good so far. To download a picture, click on an individual picture and hover over the top left of the pic. You'll see options appear for "file/download." One of the other options is "save to my album," so you could also conceivably save my pics to your own photobucket account.

Some pics of life now. The first album is pics of our new chicks. Jon's making "chicken tractors" for them to live in outside once they're bigger, but for now they all hang out inside. Cute! We should be getting eggs by the fall if all goes well. The fencing pics are Eva "getting in the cage" as Jon and I were stretching out the mesh for the sides of the chicken tractor.

The next is pics of the kids. Peter started eating some cereal. He likes it okay, sometimes more than other times, and so far I haven't noticed a difference in his spitting up. Now he just spits up cereal too. But we'll see. It's only about once a day so far, so maybe it will start to make a difference. Eva's been a big help in the garden now. She can ride her bike around the grass, help us plant seeds, weed, etc. We got her a garden tool bag at Walmart in the Easter section and she loves having a space for her own tools. She gets very dirty outside and loves it!
Also, there are a few videos of Peter. They're not great videos, but I thought you'd all like to see some of his milestones -- namely, laughing and rolling over!

Monday, March 12, 2012

The great catch up begins

So I was looking at pictures and vids from Laura and Jon and I said to myself, "hey we should post some pictures, I wonder when the last time we posted was?" And I realized that it was like October of last year. So I'm going to try to catch up in a post or two before Liz and I leave on our trip. First up is Molly's birthday, Cormac's birthday and Christmas.

Molly B-Day

Nov - Dec
