Tuesday, May 8, 2007

More fun than strange

We just saw Stranger Than Fiction - I know it's been out for awhile so you've probably all seen it already. We really enjoyed it. Good acting, plot, cinematography, pacing, etc. And the concept and twists were so novel that it really kept you involved in the story. Sometimes I wonder how people come up with their crazy ideas for entertainment, but hey, it worked! If you haven't seen it, we give it two thumbs up!


Ian Huff said...

I think Liz watched this when she was out sick a few weeks ago. I'll see if she remembers liking it or not.

From our side, we just watched Dreamgirls and thought that it was a great deal of fun. Lots of good music and picking out who each of the characters was based off of. Next up is Children of Men.

Matt said...

We liked it, too. Quite an original and creative premise. And it was the only Will Farrell movie I've been able to watch all the way through. Would never have rented it if you hadn't recommended it, Laura. Thanks.