Monday, July 30, 2007

A very Harry weekend

So the new Harry Potter book and movie really snuck up on me this year, I had totally forgotten that this was the last book coming out (I seemed to have it in my head that the Half-Blood Prince was book 5 not book 6). So Liz and I did some catchup this weekend by seeing the movie and buying the book on Friday.

For the movie, I actually liked it quite a bit. Order of the Pheonix was a long book and I thought that the movie did a good job of pulling out the extra content while focusing on the core imporant characters and situations. Plus some things in the movie I acutally saw as improvements over the book, to me JKR doesn't write really compelling fight scenes so I though that the movie actually did the whole confrontation in the Ministry of Magic better then the book did (the book was just running around and yelling "stupify" at each other).

As for the final book I can't comment on it yet as Liz just finished it up and turned it over to me (I chose to go back the re-read the HBP while she read the new one first). And now that book is sitting in my bag next to me at work...taunting me....



Unknown said...

Well then, I know what you're doing right now!

We had a very Harry July also. We saw the movie and enjoyed it. We also got the book from the library, which worked really well. I called (from MI) to put it on hold the day it came out, and I got it Wednesday, so not too bad. I got to read it first, since Jon professed to not really care, but he started reading it once I was done and didn't really put it down for another day and a half.
So I think he did care!

Matt said...

We visited our Korean friends last night and saw the new HP sitting on the table, and assumed that their 20-something sons visiting from Korea were reading it. But, noooo . . . their old man fessed up. We asked him whether Harry lived or died, but he didn't know and didn't care. "I'm only reading it to learn English."

Ian Huff said...

Not just english, but Latin as well..."wingardium leviosa!"