Thursday, September 13, 2007

New Halo Ads

Hey all!

So the final phase of Halo 3's advertisements started this week and I happen to think that they are pretty cool. The ads are based off a series of huge diorama depicting various scenes from the up coming game created by a big Hollywood SFX company (think helm's deep in Lord of the Rings). Laura and Jon at least would find them pretty neat as the dioramas seem like they would appeal to model makers and painters.

Ad number one (I like this one, pretentious as all get out...but still...):

Ad number two (Also nice, but doesn't make much sense if you don't have the context of the ad concept and ad number one):
Actually this was just pulled by youtube, so no link, but you can see it on Friday at the following site



Ian Huff said...

Ad number two still is up here:

Jon said...

We (and a bunch of teenagers) were checking this out at Target today!

(not the diorama!!--I'd've wet myself : )

So, yeah, I've seen the final clix in person. They had a warthog, a 2x hunter +4 dude pack--both 25 bucks, and 10 dollar boosters with one fig in a clear nacelle on top, not sure if that was part of the advertised "4 collectible figures" stuff printed on the side. Pretty neat though. Got any yet Ian?

Ian Huff said...

Nope, none yet for me. Too busy :-P

Ian Huff said...

Ohh, more diorama site. Here is a full flash walkthrough of the diorama, very nice site!