Our ultrasound pictures of our little baby. Don't worry, we were already talking with the ultrasound lady about the importance of getting her tiny little Bears outfits. So it's a girl, but we definitely have our priorities in the right place!
Looks like the foot is just her showing off already. She's got a lot of space to stretch out in there, I guess, and she's making use of it.
And...me at 21 weeks. We're taking a photo each month at the doctor's appointment, so that's why you'll see me so much!
MOlly says "can't wait to boss around my little cousin."
Liz says "Laura looks pregnant finally"
Mom says "what great photos. I love the perfect foot photo."
glad that all is well.
The funny thing is, Ian said none of the above. He was out selling a guitar amp on craigslist and mom was logged in on his account. So now Ian says that the baby looks mucho cute and hopes that the foot picture isn't the same scale as the head pictures (bigfoot!).
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