Sunday, October 18, 2009

Road Canyon in Cedar Mesa UT

William Shakespeare on wilderness:
Are not these woods
more free from peril than the envious court?
Here feel we but the penalty of Adam,
the season's difference; and the icy fang
and churlish chiding of the winter's wind,
which, when it bites and blows upon my body,
even till I shrink with cold, I smile and say
"This is no flattery, these are counsellors
that feelingly persuade me what I am."
Sweet are the uses of adversity
which like the toad, ugly and venomous,
wears yet a precious jewel in his head;
and this our life exempt from public haunt,
finds tongues in trees, books in running brooks,
sermons in stones, and good in everything.


Unknown said...

Very nice scenery. I'm glad you took your nice camera; looks like you got some really great shots! And it looks like a great time of year for photos in that area -- nice color and light.

Ian Huff said...

Cool! Looks like a really fun trip. Who did you do the trip though?

Matt said...

I went with Outward Bound because they provide all the gear. REI, which probably runs good programs, too, wants to sell you gear. OB is the program Wheaton modeled their program after. There was a fair amount of touchy-feely "values clarification" around the campfire, which can get interesting when led by a thoroughly secular organization, but that was fun in its own way -- they have a lot of the same values we do, they just don't know where they come from.