Friday, April 16, 2010

real Seattle babies at Fort Casey

Okay, okay... Here are the rest of the photos. We've also taken a few just around town, but those will be longer in coming. These pictures are posted as a joint project today between Liz and Laura, who have gotten an amazing amount of stuff done in a few days this week!

Seattle babies at Fort Casey


Karen said...

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. I think the Laura/Liz project team is awesome!
Great photos and looks like it was a fun time.It looked like a very "pink" day!
Those are two of the most adorable little girls, but then I may be a little partial:)
(Ok, ok...and two of the most amazing mommies and two big, strong men to help carry everything!!)

Karen said...

Lots of good pix, thanks! I liked the bunker cousins, and Molly in the field and with bubbly Liz, and some of the All Along the Watchtower vibe.
- Dad