Monday, October 13, 2008

I am Iron Man!!!


Liz and I just sat down and watched Iron Man on Blu-Ray with a few friends the other night and I can give it a fairly solid thumbs-up. The term "summer movie" has been pretty overloaded recently but it's generally accepted (genearally accepted by ME) to mean a movie that is fun to watch, will appeal to a group of guys and gals, looks better in the theater or HD and won't be nominated for any major Oscars. Iron Man fits that category pretty well and I'd say it has a shot at being the best Marvel movie adaption yet (note that it competes against X-Men and X-Men 2: United for this award, not against those emo Spiderman flicks).

It's big advantage was casting Robert Downey Jr. in the lead role of Tony Stark. Nothing like having an ex-alcoholic, playboy, millionaire actor portraying an alcoholic, playboy, millionaire superhero. I'd call it an enjoyable B+ with him when it would probably be a C at best without.

In other news Little Big Planet will be out soon starting the Fall game rush. LBP, Fable II, Banjo & Kazooie, Gears of War 2 and probably one other (Mirror's Edge, Fallout 3, Prince of Persia) here I come! Thank goodness for me saving up my games budget and for $25 new games at the company store.


Matt said...

Even we are looking forward to seeing Iron Man since we think Robert Downey Jr. is a good enough actor to make even a comic book movie worthwhile. We liked King Corn, a documentary about the sorry state of the food chain in America, inspired by Michael Pollan's book, The Omnivore's Dilemma. Not as dramatic as Iron Man (probably), but healthier! And it does not stoop to Michael Moore's loud and slanted polemics (but I repeat myself). Speaking of movies, we ran into a Hollywood crew including Sam Gamgee's Sean Astin filming Demoted in Milford this weekend. They had blocked off First street for modesty's sake, so I'm guessing it's an R-rated high school flick -- not our usual fare but we might have to see it for the same reason we had to see Dumb and Dumber. Which was, exactly . . . ????

Ian Huff said...

Lloyd: I'm talking Milford Harry, Milford. A place where the beer flows like wine and the women instinctivly flock like the Salmon of Capistrano.
Harry: I don't know Lloyd, the French are real jerks.

Matt said...

The only problem with the French is they don't have a word for 'entrepreneur'