Monday, February 23, 2009

baby videos

with our new camera are up at


Karen said...

Dad and I did see the videos. They do come up slowly on my computer -- but what's new!
The one with Evangeline in the chair makes us laugh out loud. She seems to surprised where she ends up!

Karen said...

Dad and I did see the videos. They do come up slowly on my computer -- but what's new!
The one with Evangeline in the chair makes us laugh out loud. She seems to surprised where she ends up!

Karen said...


Elizabeth said...

I was suprised that 3 people commented so fast. ;) Such cute videos! I can't believe that this was Molly a year ago. It's insane how fast they grow. Looking forward to seeing you all this summer. :)

Karen said...

Ha, ha, ha Liz!
Funny that the first 3 comments are all from me! Since the connection was so slow that day, I hit the "publish comment" button a second time, thus the third "oops" comment. As Laura would say, Sigh!