Friday, March 7, 2008

In which: Jon writes

Firefox's annoying penchant of ignoring zeros placed in the "autostart=" entry is a bit annoying, so I will simply be linking here--

Laura helped me write a song, suggesting replacements for hard to pronounce words (horticulturist became botanist, thanks babe!), and she even scrolled through the lyrics for me as I sang along (since our ink cartridge is again dry on our printer).

Long story short, I wrote a song and here's the rough draft.
LINK to my music page
Re-recording will likely happen once my guitar repertoire increases. Although it would also be nice to record after I've had more than two play-throughs! So, it's still pretty rough--but at least I got it out of my system...whew!

Or, you can download it to your computer HERE

Hope you like!


Ian Huff said...

Hey I didn't realize that you had added so many songs on there. I've been listening at work and they are really nice. I like the "Across the Universe" cover and Google Maps. I like doing the music but everytime I've tried to do lyrics it has come up...lacking shall we say. Post up the chords and lyrics to Google Maps!

Jon said...

Ask and you shall receive my brother!

Glad you liked. It's not every day you get to hear a song that comes so deep from the heart...

I HATE writing music! But I can't stop myself either. E, I took about 5 years off of writing poetry because I thought all my efforts were so insipid (and they were!). Now, I just have to send it to somebody @ Google to start the lawsuit, notoriety cycle.

Jon said...

Oh, and another thing--I didn't really remember 'Across the Universe' existed until we played our little duet this summer. Played it a bunch since.

That was a BLAST! I really dug playing with you, and you can be sure I'll be surreptitiously slipping the guitar into the car anytime I know you're coming into town. Let's jam!

Ian Huff said...

It's on like Genghis Khan. Although I'll have to see how I can take a guitar along with all the baby gear. I guess I can always just wear one pair of clothes the whole trip home...

Elizabeth said...

Hey if we hit my house first I bet E can steal a guitar from my dad. Another jam session sounds like a blast. :)