Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Jon's going to make an awesome dad

Hey so I just finished laying Molly down for a nap. She's gotten increasingly difficult about the diaper change (doesn't understand why she's not allowed to roll around in her poop, crazy kid). :-P Anyways to keep her distracted I usually sing to her & today I was singing about how it was nap time & we had to change her diaper so she didn't get butt rash & we sang goodbye to the wet diaper & hello to the dry diaper. Anyways as I'm singing to my kid & realizing how incredibly untalented I am at the whole song writing thing I thought about you Jon. You are going to have so much fun making up silly songs for your kid. I hope that you record some of your parenting songs. Can't wait to hear them. :)

~ Liz


Ian Huff said...

It'll be a sad day when Molly realizes that I have a terrible voice.

In another note, Liz also objects when I try to roll around in my poop, she can be so picky about things sometimes!

Matt said...

I sang covers.