Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Steampunk; technology + romance?

This is what we get for tolerating Mac users!

Actually, I really like this. What a radical construction.

Reminds me of a few months ago when I was researching bows. There's all these folks who say it just doesn't have SOUL unless it's hand-made w/natural materials. On the other hand, I think the experience of stalking through the woods might just possibly be enhanced by knowing that you can rely on your fiberglass to not get wet and warp into an arrangement that will break on your next shot--lodging one of the limbs in your eye and causing the string to gash open your forearm.

But, aesthetics... Fascinating what arises out of creativity devoid of necessity.

That is one RADICAL computer!

1 comment:

Ian Huff said...

A nice upgrade from the usual "100 multicolor blinking LEDs" that is the typical case mod these days.