Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My new webpage

Hey - check out my new webpage sometime. Mostly all I have on there now are pics of my painted minis and a reading history list I just got into the computer, but I've been having fun playing around with it this week!

Jon and I went to our local game store's auction this weekend, and we got a lot of great new figs for a really good deal! And Jon sold some old stuff he didn't want, too, so that made it even better. Now we've just got to keep up with the painting....


Ian Huff said...

Hey Laura, cool webpage. I especially like the list of all the books that you've read. Really makes me wish that I had kept track of that growing up. Nifty minis as well...

Karen said...

WOW. I am so impressed. Like Ian I was impressed with your reading list. I can't count how many moms/elementary school age kids that I've told of your book list, and that they should start and keep one going. But seeing it all in black and white was impressive. I like the site.