Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Becoming a Blogger :)

Hey guys!

So I decided to start my own blog to help me stay in better touch w/ my friends. People kept asking for pics of Molly & it seemed weird to direct them to our family website since they don't know you all. Anyways if you want to check it out here is the address:



Unknown said...

Very cool! I like it. I've always wanted to start a blog too, so I think it's great that you actually did it.

Jon said...

Isn't it crazy how there's like different audiences out there 'n stuff? Keep those pictures coming over here too!

I've got a website, so I know the urge intimately - although for me it's sometimes just because I have something to say rather than keeping in touch or somesuch. Speaking of - it's probably time I updated that darn website again!

Blog your heart out girl!